Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Movie Reflection

The movie was very interesting and made me want to go to those places to take photos. It showed me that there are a lot of beautiful places around me that I can photograph and have a fun time doing so. My favorite part was watching the water fall it was very relaxing to see and hear. My other favorite part was watching a group of people chant. It was interesting to see their type of culture and what they do. This movie also opened my eyes to see living conditions for other countries; it makes me appreciate what I have. This video opens my eyes to a lot more, also it opens my mind to think about where I should go to take photos or get photos the way I want them to turn out. I wish I could have gone with the people that made this video to experience the beauty they saw and to experience what they did.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

1 Shot Photo

On out assignments we have had we have been taking for granted that we can pick and choose what photo we like the best. For this assignment we had to take photos and choose which one we like the best off the camera screen and try and get it to the best quality we can.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Notes on Movie 11/4/10

The Developing Image 1900-1934
• Feb 1, 1990 camera called Brownie looked like a box, price $1
• Before the Brownie people would take pictures once or twice in their life.
• A quarter of a billion sold in first year

Most of the 19th century photos couldn’t use photos in newspapers or magazines
National Geographic – Grovner
o Grovner started to fill magazines with more and more photos
o Colored photos
Edward Curtus
• Takes pictures of Indians
• He brought a lot of cloths and fix them before he took a picture of the Indian
• Photographs many people and made it real
Is photography an art?
• People think its not because you just press a button and that’s it
• Stevus believed that people should recognize photography as an art
• Stevus photos looked like drawings
• Scientific Management
o Frank Gillberth
 Died from a heart attack at the age of 55
o Would take photographs of his workers to see how they work and how fast they work
• Photographs started to have an influence on how they saw the world and what they believe
Jacob Reas
• Started to use photography to photography children in child labor
o Reached the people about child labor
o Photographs went to state and outlawed child labor
Paul Strand
• Used straight photography: do not change the original photo
World War 1
• Most pictured where posed or taken from a far
• Didn’t take that much photos of dead people or soldiers
• Photos replaced drawings
• Illustrated Daily News would sell itself only from photographs