Monday, January 10, 2011

Architecture and Urban Landscape (179-189)

Looking back

· 1840’s Charles Negre

o Began to use photography to create studies for his paintings.

o He used to paint, but then he turned to photography.

o He started to see photographs as an end in themselves.

· Federick H. Evans

o Photography made from the late 1890s and 1920s are filled with emotion and light.

o Advice from him to other photographers:

§ “Try for a record of emotion rather than a piece of topography.”

· Eugene Atget

o A former actor and sailor turned to photography in his late 1890s

o When in his 40s he was a self-taught photographer and used lenses that were considered old-fashion.

Photography the Built Environment

Think Artistically

· Can be a visual recording of a building’s appearance.

· Key Ideas

o Use the corner of a room or the curve of a walkway or stair you can use line to lead the viewers eyes through an architectural image.

o Vertical and horizontal lines at the edge of buildings

o Observe the space that surrounds the objects or buildings in your photograph.

§ Can reveal a great deal about its “personality”.

o Patterns

§ Bricks

§ Designs in a carpet

§ Wallpaper

§ Arraignment of windows

§ Helps by strengthen your photography.

· Camera Settings

o Small f-stop gives a greater depth of field

o Bigger format

o Bigger negative the better detail it will capture

o Slower film

· Film

o Color Films

§ Emphasize color and setting

o Black and white

§ Emphasize value, shapes and textures

· Lighting

o Color of lighting is important in interior architectural photography

· Lenses

o Wide-angel

§ More distraction you get

· Filters

o Black and white

§ Include sky and clouds

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