Monday, January 10, 2011

Chapter 8 Lecture Notes: Architecture and Urban Landscape

  • Take photos to make the viewer wonder what it is and where it is.
  • Indirect portraits
  • The materials, style and scale provide clues about who people were and what their lives were.
  • Use natural features to make the building look better or contrast with the nature.
  • Architecture is a perfect subject for photography because:
  1. it does not move
  2. the history
  3. different angels
  4. gives the viewer of a scenes that they are there
  5. designs of the architecture
  • Frederick H. Evans
  1. One of the greatest architecture photographers int eh history of architectural photography.
2. Worked primarily in platinum papers-platinum was used to make bombs.
3. Droped photography becuase he couldn't use the platinum papers.
  • How are value and repetition used to reinforce the perspective?
  1. find the architecture repetition and pattern.
  • Ezra Stoller
  1. Focused most on using line, shape and form with his photos.
  2. Originally an architecture but he liked photography more.
  • Thinking Artistically
  1. You can focus on the full-viewer of the space and emotions connected to it, like a portrait.
  2. Patterns-bricks, fabric, wall paper.

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